May 2022 | Weight Loss and Weight Management

If there was ever a wide-open topic to write about, this is it! It’s hard to even determine a starting point much less an entire article, but I’ll take a crack at it.

I believe a good way to begin is to recognize a recent report (March 2022) from the World Health Organization  (WHO) stating that obesity has reached epidemic proportions globally, accounting for at least 2.8 million deaths each year as a result of being overweight or obese. In the U.S., the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that more than 40% of the current adult population has obesity as compared to 13.4% in 1980. Obviously, being overweight or obese places those people at higher risk for heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers. One exceptional book, The Obesity Code (ISBN 978-1-77164-125-8) by Jason Fung, M.D., provides startling insights into proper nutrition and the real reasons why we are experiencing an obesity epidemic not only in America but worldwide. In this book, you will discover the secrets of weight loss.

Diving into 2017-2018 U.S. statistics, one can glean much information from exploring this link – As you peruse through it, disturbing trends are exposed.

Closer to home, the current (2021) obesity rate in Wisconsin is 34.2%. The most current data I was able to find regarding overweight/obesity rates is in this report published in June 2016 –

While the above links to information and statistics portray some of the hard facts, the reality of being overweight or obese (or worse) is more personal. In my opinion, asking WHY we have become (more commonly) overweight or obese in the past 40 – 50 years is actually more relevant. My take on this subject is partially due to the fact that we are a nation that condones a sickness management system over a true healthcare system.

Another important factor to consider; the economic costs are staggering to say nothing of the pain and suffering that accompanies this epidemic. Part of this long-term trend has to do with highly effective marketing along with the temporary “quick fix” mentality that pharmaceutical products provide.

The predatory marketing of fast food, processed food, sugar-laden beverages and the like is ubiquitous in our modern, fast-paced life. We spend a tremendous amount of time every day allowing ourselves to be exposed to radio ads, television, the internet, billboards, mailers, grocery store promotions, festivals, and so much more, all promoting the consumption of these unhealthy choices. Add over-the-counter medications and prescriptions as a means of temporarily deflecting the adverse health effects of consuming these types of products, you create the perfect storm for ongoing ill health. Oh, and by the way, let’s not forget to throw in adverse side effects that can occur, especially with the use of chemical-based pharmaceutical products. Often you end up with additional chemical-based pharmaceutical products to combat those side effects. Talk about a feeding frenzy!

To learn more, and I mean a lot more, check out this link to a 2018 comprehensive article on “The Hidden Dangers of Fast and Processed Food”, authored by Joel Fuhrman, MD – Reading and understanding the information in this article has the ability to transition people into an elite group who have the potential to live long productive lives and be happy and healthy while on that journey.

It’s been said many times, that we are what we eat. An even greater truth is we are what we absorb.

On the subject of weight loss and weight management… there are probably hundreds of diets available with the majority having the ability to actually help people lose weight, at least temporarily. Unfortunately, most of them end up in failure as they tend to fall victim to people feeling deprived or simply as a result of boredom.

The one “diet” that is enjoying the notoriety of being successful for the long term is more of a strategy (eating pattern) than a diet. This strategy, known as intermittent fasting creates the added benefits of inducing human growth hormones, the creation of ketones that allow the body to utilize fat rather than glucose as a fuel, autophagy, and even the regeneration of stem cells. Click this link to learn more about stem cell regeneration –,cells%20to%20become%20more%20regenerative. To learn more about how to employ intermittent fasting into your daily life, click on this link – In addition, consider reading The Complete Guide to Fasting (ISBN 978-1-1628600-01-8) by Jason Fung, M.D. This book deals with healing your body through Intermittent, Alternate-Day, and Extended Fasting.

Personally speaking, I began the practice of intermittent fasting in mid-June, 2015 with the goal of losing 50+ pounds and the 4” of belly fat that was hanging over my belt. At the consistent rate of losing about one pound per week, I achieved my goal, and more importantly, I’ve kept the weight off ever since. In addition, I tend to consume much healthier food as compared to my previous Standard American Diet fare, my energy levels improved, the quality of my sleep improved, my cognitive skills improved, and my grocery bill has been trimmed.

There are a number of really good books on this topic now available. The 1st one I read was written by Bert Herring, M.D. who was also the person who introduced me to intermittent fasting. I happened to see his 2013 TED talk and was intrigued by what he had to say. Here is a link to that TED talk – His book is entitled The FAST-5 DIET and the FAST-5 LIFESTYLE. The ISBN is 0-9772534-0-6. This little book, 67 pages, is packed with easy-to-understand information regarding how and why intermittent fasting works. Use the ISBN in a search engine to download a free PDF. It can be a life-changer for you.  

As you might expect, the internet is loaded with information about intermittent fasting with more and more mainstream doctors and other professional health practitioners “on board” with promoting the health benefits. Simply enter the words intermittent fasting into your favorite search engine and you will see what I mean.

With regards to physical exercise, it’s not necessary to become a bodybuilder, but it’s important to recognize that regular exercise plays an important role in maintaining a healthy weight. Adults need about 150 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity with an emphasis on daily stretching exercises, according to the current Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans. 150 minutes of physical activity each week may sound like a lot, but you don’t have to do it all at once. Additional strength training is an option –

In conclusion, please understand controlling your weight is one of the most important health considerations to living a long and healthy life for a multitude of reasons. It may seem difficult because as Americans, we are constantly bombarded with the message that eating three meals per day plus snacks between those meals is “normal.” It is NOT normal, but unfortunately, it is common. Educate yourself and recognize the food, beverage, and pharmaceutical industries are mostly owned by profit-motivated corporations. Their attempt to addict you to their products has the potential to spell disaster for your health and your wealth. Be smart, live well to live long.