CBD Education and Consultation

As advocates and purveyors of CBD (cannabidiol) products, we also view our role as educators. We realize the more informed people are about CBD, the greater their chances of being successful using it on either a consistent basis or on an as-needed basis.

To that end, we provide:

  • Brief background information regarding the 10,000+ year history of hemp
  • Why marijuana was outlawed in the U.S. in 1937 and The Controlled Substance Act of 1971 prohibited cultivation of all cannabis products including industrial hemp
  • What CBD is and what it isn’t
  • The multitude of industrial uses of the hemp plant
  • How it complements human physiology to help the following and more:
    • skin issues
    • sleep issues
    • substance abuse
    • alleviate headaches
    • reduce inflammation
    • alleviate anxiety, stress, depression, PTSD
    • alleviate pain (nerve, joint, muscle, and back pain)
    • increases cancer and tumor cell death (apoptosis) and reduces metastasis

We also provide additional resources in the form of printed hand-outs and information regarding pertinent internet articles, websites, and videos for lay persons and medical professionals. 

We offer individual education/consultation that begins with a two-way conversation. Based on that initial conversation, we attempt to determine whether it’s practical to further the education process or to move on to how to self-administer CBD by describing and/or demonstrating the four (4) main delivery systems, how much CBD to use (serving size) as a reasonable starting point, when to use CBD to optimize its effects, and practical methods for altering serving size to enhance the benefits of using CBD by determining your “sweet spot” through experimentation and evaluation.


These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. Always check with your physician/pharmacist before starting a new dietary supplement program.  Links to any informational websites are provided solely as a service to our users. External links provide additional information that may be useful or interesting and has no affiliation to the promotion, sale and distribution from Invigorating Waters. The link does not constitute an endorsement of these organizations by Invigorating Waters and none should be inferred.