How ionized, alkalized water can help with Hypothyroidism and Hashimotos

Hypothyroidism (under active thyroid) is when your thyroid gland does not make enough thyroid hormone. Your thyroid controls how your body’s cells use energy from food, a process called metabolism. If your body cannot make enough thyroid hormone, your body slows down which decreases your energy and your metabolism.
The most common cause of hypothyroidism is Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is an autoimmune disorder. With Hashimoto’s, your body produces antibodies that attack and destroy the thyroid gland. Thyroiditis may also be caused by a viral infection. Other causes of hypothyroidism include: Radiation therapy to the neck area, radioactive iodine treatment, use of certain medications, thyroid surgery, too little iodine in the diet, pregnancy, problems with thyroid at birth, pituitary gland damage or disorder, disorder of the hypothalamus, and fluoride in our drinking water.
Who Is at Risk for Hypothyroidism?
Women, particularly older women, are more likely to develop hypothyroidism than men. You are also more likely to develop hypothyroidism if you have a close family member with an autoimmune disease. Other risk factors include:

  • Race (being white or Asian)
  • Age (growing older)
  • Prematurely graying hair
  • Autoimmune disorders such as type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, celiac disease, Addison’s disease, pernicious anemia, or vitiligo
  • Bipolar disorder
  • Down syndrome
  • Turner syndrome
  • Symptoms of Hypothyroidism

Symptoms of hypothyroidism may be vague and can often mimic other conditions. They may include:

  • Changes in the menstrual cycle
  • Constipation
  • Depression
  • Dry hair and hair loss
  • Dry skin
  • Fatigue
  • Greater sensitivity to cold
  • Slow heart rate
  • Swelling of the thyroid gland (goiter)
  • Unexplained weight gain or difficulty losing weight
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome

How Is Hypothyroidism Treated?
If you have hypothyroidism, your doctor will prescribe a synthetic (man-made) thyroid hormone T4. You take this pill every day. Certain other medications can interfere with how your body absorbs synthetic thyroid hormone. Make sure you doctor knows about all the medicines, herbs, and supplements you take, including over-the-counter products.
You will need regular blood tests to check your thyroid hormone levels. Your doctor may need to adjust your medication dose from time to time.
So you are probably thinking…well how can ionized, alkalized water help if I am already at this point? We never make any promises on how the water can cure anyone, but we do know if we give our body the nutrients it needs, it can do a pretty good job of healing on its own. Ionized, alkalized water is loaded with antioxidants to help boost your immune system. This water will be extremely beneficial if you are in the first stages (Hashimoto’s thyroiditis).

Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is an autoimmune disease, a disorder in which the immune system turns against the body’s own tissues. In people with Hashimoto’s, the immune system attacks the thyroid. This can lead to hypothyroidism, a condition in which the thyroid does not make enough hormones for the body’s needs. Here is a link to a PubMed study on how the immune system is used as a regulator of thyroid hormone activity:
So if you or someone you know suffers from hypothyroidism (or Hashimotos), we ask you come check out the store to learn more on how ionized, alkalized water can improve your quality of life.

Weight Loss & Intermittent Fasting

Five (5) methods for fasting
Graphic from

Research by Dr. Robert O. Young, author of The pH Miracle for Weight Loss, shows that the epidemic of obesity in the industrialized world is the result of acidity in the body.
The human body produces acidity through its own metabolic processes, and because the Standard American Diet (SAD) is high in acidic foods such as meat, dairy, grains, high sugar fruits, beverages, and bread, it adds a tremendous load of acidic wastes to build up in the body. The result is the body creates fat cells to trap and neutralize these excess acids in the system. In addition, when acid wastes enter our bloodstream, the blood system will attempt to dispose of these wastes in liquid form through the lungs or the kidneys. If there are too many wastes to handle, they are deposited in various organ systems like the heart, pancreas, liver, colon, and other locations.
Traditional methods of weight loss (i.e., diets) are often not successful or are temporary resulting in re-gaining lost weight after a period of time. Reducing portion size only minimally decreases acid intake. Reducing calories will actually increase the acidity of the body if sugar alternatives and “fake foods” are used as substitutes as they increase the overall acidity of the body. Similarly, reducing fat intake does not change the acidity of the body.
Drinking alkaline ionized water (a/k/a Kangen Water®) and maintaining a healthy body pH can, on the other hand, reduce fat storage by releasing the acidic waste build up. Without excess acid in the system, the body has no need to hold on to the fatty layer it has created to protect itself. In addition, staying hydrated with micro-clustered Kangen Water® throughout the day gives the body an increased feeling of being “full”, thus reducing the need to eat as often.
One proven method (with multiple variations), to lose weight and maintain weight loss that is gaining in popularity is through Intermittent Fasting. There are many books written on this subject as well as a multitude of blogs and You Tube videos.
Intermittent fasting is not a diet. It is system/pattern of eating based on when you eat rather than what you eat.
In reality, this type of fasting dates back to prehistoric times when our ancestors were forced to fast between meals (sometimes for days) due to lack of readily available foods that probably consisted of meat and fish, fruits and vegetables, eggs and nuts.
There are numerous variations to choose from to include one or two 24 hour fasts (on non-consecutive days) per week, alternating fasting days (consuming reduced caloric intake on fasting days), or time-restricted plans during which you eat within a small window of time (5 – 8 hours) and fast the remainder of every day. The everyday method is more of a lifestyle rather than a weight loss system. Other variations include fasting on a weekly or monthly basis. The weekly/monthly variations are considered a practical way to begin intermittent fasting
Why intermittent fasting works is because it is one foolproof way of burning fat for energy rather than using glucose (blood sugar) immediately following a meal or glycogen (energy stored in the liver and muscles). Glycogen stores take about two weeks to deplete if practicing daily intermittent fasting, longer periods of time are needed with less aggressive fasting periods.
The benefits of intermittent fasting:

  • Intermittent fasting simplifies your day by reducing the number of meals you have to prepare and eat. Intermittent fasting saves time and money (less food to purchase). 
  • Intermittent fasting helps you live longer. Scientists have known for a long time that restricting calories can lengthen life. Intermittent fasting activates many of the same mechanisms for extending life as calorie restriction.  
  • Intermittent fasting may reduce the risk of cancer and other debilitating diseases. This information is based on medical research.  
  • Intermittent fasting can help you get lean. Fasting puts your body in a fat-burning state that you rarely reach while following a normal eating schedule of multiple meals throughout the day.   
  • Intermittent fasting is much easier than traditional diets. The reason most diets fail is because people don’t follow the diet over the long term. Intermittent fasting is a weight loss method that is remarkably easy to stick to long-term.

Precautions to consider:

  • Intermittent fasting is intended for fully-grown adults. Children’s bodies are not yet fully developed.  
  • Intermittent fasting is not suitable for women who are pregnant or nursing.  
  • Do not attempt intermittent fasting without a physician’s supervision if you are taking long-term medication or if you have a medical condition that is permanent or long-term in nature such as diabetes, epilepsy, heart disease, high blood pressure, or strokes. Obesity (20% greater than overweight) is a long-term medical condition distinct from being overweight that involves substantial changes in physiologic status and may cause unpredictable responses to a change in diet.

In closing, it is the food and beverage industry’s marketing efforts that attempt to convince the adult American public that eating multiple meals every day is good for you. Don’t be taken in by their efforts as they are simply driven by profits, not the well-being of people.

Top 10 Health Benefits of Fasting

Cleaning with High Alkaline Water (11.5 pH)

I purchased my strawberries from a local grocery store and used the High Alkaline Water (11.5 pH) to clean them before eating. I soaked them for about 10-15 minutes and could not believe how dirty the water was from these strawberries. They also taste amazing after soaking them…almost as if they were hand picked from the strawberry patch!

Strawberry water - 5.21.16

Strawberries - cleaned with 11.5 water - 5.21.16

How do you know if you are acidic?

Chronic illness, tired, or just not having energy to do everything you want to do in a day can be signs that your body is acidic. By changing the PH levels and drinking ionized water will help alleviate some of these symptoms. I know it helped me and now I want everyone around me to be healthy and more productive in their professional and personal lives. Contact me if you want to learn more about turning your life around by creating an alkaline environment inside your body.

how do you know if you are acidic